Harrisburg, PAFebruary 3, 2025 − Senator Kane released the following statement following Agriculture Secretary Russell Redding announcement that the PA Department of Agriculture has taken a new, proactive step, in issuing a quarantine order to control Phorid Flies, or Megaselia halterata, a destructive pest causing crop damage to mushroom farms in Southeast Pennsylvania and creating a nuisance for nearby homeowners:

“I applaud Governor Shapiro’s administration for taking decisive action to address the phorid fly issue that has been significantly impacting our Chester County communities. This quarantine order, backed by state funding, is a crucial step forward in addressing both the concerns of local residents and supporting our vital mushroom industry.

The steam treatment method has proven to be both safe and effective, and I’m grateful that the administration is providing the financial support. This demonstrates a real commitment to finding practical solutions that work for both our agricultural industry and local communities.

I encourage affected mushroom farmers in Kennett Township and New Garden Township to contact the Chester County Conservation District at 610-455-1381 to apply for this grant funding. My office remains committed to working alongside state agencies, industry leaders, and local residents to ensure the successful implementation of these new measures and the continued prosperity of our mushroom industry.”