
We’re excited to announce the launch of our new Grant Page on our website! This page is designed as a valuable resource for businesses, organizations, and non-profits in our district to gain insight on the grant process.

Here, you can find up-to-date information on open grant applications, gain assistance when applying for grants, and view our interactive map to see which grants have been awarded throughout the 9th District. Our goal is to provide you with an interactive and informative resource that can assist in your quest for funding.

If you ever need help navigating the grant process or have questions about our Grant Page, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office. We’re here to assist you in any way we can!

Click here to read about all of the grants that been awarded in the 9th District!

Current Funding Opportunities

Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management

Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: Applications open 04/22/24, deadline TBA
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Judicial Outreach Liaison Program (JOL)

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2028
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Growing Greener

Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: Applications open 04/22/24, deadline TBA
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Statewide DUI Program Coordination

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2029
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Act 101, Section 902 Recycling Program Development and Implementation

Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: 5/10/2024
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Statewide Traffic Records Program Support

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2030
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Municipal Fire Department Capital Grants

Agency: PA Office of the State Fire Commissioner
Deadline: 5/15/2024
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Statewide Law Enforcement Liaison Program Coordination (PTS)

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2031
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Emergency Training Center Capital Grants

Agency: PA Office of the State Fire Commissioner
Deadline: 5/15/2024
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Child Passenger Safety Educational Initiatives

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2032
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Abandoned Mine Drainage Abatement and Treatment Program

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: 5/31/2024
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Distracted Driving Outreach

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2033
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Flood Mitigation Program

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: 5/31/2024
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Act 101, Section 901 County Planning and Hazardous Household Waste Education

Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: No deadline
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Public School Facility Improvement

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: 5/31/2024
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AIE Residencies

Agency: PA Council on the Arts
Deadline: No deadline
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Community Traffic Safety Project

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2024
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Creative Catalyst Grants

Agency: PA Council on the Arts
Deadline: No deadline
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Automated Red Light Enforcement Transportation Enhancements Grant Program (ARLE)
Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 06/30/24
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Creative Entrepreneur Accelerator Program
Agency: PA Council on the Arts
Deadline: No deadline
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Capital Improvement Matching Grants

Agency: PA Department of Agriculture
Deadline: 6/30/2024
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Local Law Enforcement Grant Program
Agency: PA Gaming Control Board
Deadline: No deadline
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Agricultural Fair Operating and Premium Reimbursement Program

Agency: PA Department of Agriculture
Deadline: 11/15/2024
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Certified Local Government Mini-Grants
Agency: PA Historical and Museum Commission
Deadline: No deadline
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Municipal Police Traffic Services Enforcement Program

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2025
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Act 190, Chapter 2 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Grant
Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: No deadline
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Sewage Facilities Program

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: 5/31/2025
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Host Municipality Review of Permit Applications Grants
Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: No deadline
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State Agricultural Organization Funds Reimbursement

Agency: PA Department of Agriculture
Deadline: 11/15/2025
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Host Municipality Siting Review Grants
Agency: PA Department of Environmental Protection
Deadline: No deadline
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DUI Courts Program

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2026

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Pennsylvania’s Long Term Care Grant
Agency: PA Department of Health
Deadline: No deadline
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Watershed Restoration and Protection Program

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: 5/31/2026

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Foundations in Industry Training Grant Program

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: No deadline
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County FFA Funds Reimbursement

Agency: PA Department of Agriculture
Deadline: 11/15/2026

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Municipal Assistance Program

Agency: PA Department of Community & Economic Development
Deadline: No deadline
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Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor

Agency: PA Department of Transportation
Deadline: 5/31/2027
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Peer and Circuit Rider Grants

Agency: PA Department of Conservation and Natural Resources
Deadline: No deadline
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County 4-H Funds Reimbursement

Agency: PA Department of Agriculture
Deadline: 11/15/2027

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Grants Awarded in the 9th District

Sen. Kane with Delco Senate and House Delegation Introduce New Bills to Reform Abusive For-Profit Hospital Deals

Sen. Kane with Delco Senate and House Delegation Introduce New Bills to Reform Abusive For-Profit Hospital Deals

Delaware County – June 16, 2022 – Today, State Senator Tim Kearney (D-Chester/Delaware) was joined by Senator John Kane, Senator Anthony Williams, Representative Gina H. Curry, Representative Leanne Krueger, Representative Jennifer O’Mara, and Representative Mike Zabel, to discuss new legislation that will prevent financial looting of Pennsylvania hospital systems by private-equity and for-profit companies. The package of bills was created in response to decisions made by Prospect Medical Holdings – the parent company of Crozer Health- to close numerous departments, cut healthcare staff, and discontinue services within several Delaware County hospitals.

“What’s happening with Crozer Health is a tragedy and underscores the need for legislators to work to protect our local healthcare systems from manipulative and predatory private-equity practices in the future,” said Senator Kearney. “We want to give the state more oversight over these transactions and create other policies that deter these bad actors from looting our healthcare systems and then running once the resources vanish. If private equity in healthcare prioritizes investors and protects their assets, then this legislative delegation will work equally as hard to protect our constituents, and the integrity of our health care systems.”

Prospect Medical Holdings and its former majority owner Leonard Green & Partners have a history of abusing healthcare systems to maximize profits for executives and investors and then disregarding the well-being and on-going quality care of patients. Crozer’s financial collapse could have been avoided had there been state protections against irresponsible debt recapitalizations and other financial actions taken by the system’s owners.

“Each time they strike these kinds of deals and real estate splits, they know the end of their scheme will leave communities without access to quality healthcare,” said State Senator Anthony Williams. “We saw this happen with Hahnemann and now we’re seeing it happen with Crozer, by a company that has a history of these despicable actions. At this point, it’s clear Leonard Green & Partners is operating from a playbook that puts profit over people. This legislation will put a stop to that and let any private equity company know people over profit is the only option in Pennsylvania.”

“As a former labor union leader, I know how important it is to keep these essential jobs secure and without the worry of being fired due to corporate greed,” said Senator Kane. “As cancer survivor I have experienced firsthand what a high functioning hospital does to ensure the health and protection of a community. There’s no place for private-equity firms in Pennsylvania and we’re going to make it very painful for them to just bleed us dry and walk away.”

Six Senate bills will be included in the package introduced today. The bills will address:

SB 1270 – For-profit hospital purchase moratorium
SB 1271 – Prohibition of new for-profit hospitals
SB 1272 – State oversight of health system change in ownership
SB 1273 – Minimum severance package for mass layoffs
SB 1274 – Prevention of exploitive real estate splits
SB 1275 – Moratorium of dividends after health system acquisitions

“A healthcare system that prioritizes patients over the interests of private equity firms is the foundation to a healthy community,” said Senator Amanda Cappelletti, who is also a sponsor of the bill package. “Senate Bill 1275 would protect our communities from private equity firms making acquisitions only to extract the resources from the acquired companies and subsequently walk away from the community altogether.”

Each Senate Bill will have a companion bill in the State House. Rep Mike Zabel added, “There is nothing preventing what’s happening with Prospect Medical Holdings from happening again. Let’s not forget that these closures or fire sales not only affect the community at large, but they are also regional employers that impact our economy and the lives of hundreds and thousands of employees. There’s much that’s gone wrong with Crozer; let’s not waste this opportunity to learn from the mistakes and then affect the law in Pennsylvania going forward.”

“Access to life-saving, professional medical care should not be consumed by corporate greed and get rich quick schemes. My colleagues and I will do everything we can to prevent community hospitals from being exploited by for-profit systems,” said Rep. O’Mara.

“In Delaware County, we have seen firsthand what it looks like when a for-profit hospital system puts profits over people,” said Rep. Krueger. “This is why I have introduced legislation that would stop investors from acquiring hospital just to pay themselves massive dividends.”

Representative Curry, Dr. Monica Taylor, Delaware County Council Chair, and Jamie Blair, of Put People First! PA, also spoke during the press conference to call attention to the need for high quality and reliable healthcare in the area.


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Senator Kane Responds to Governor Wolf’s Proposed Budget

Senator Kane Responds to Governor Wolf’s Proposed Budget

Harrisburg, February 8, 2022 – Following Governor Tom Wolf’s annual budget address to the General Assembly, Senator John Kane issued the following statement: “The Governor’s proposed budget is exactly what Pennsylvania needs right now. This budget uses our strong...

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Senator Kane Announces $141,600 Grant for Concord Township

Senator Kane Announces $141,600 Grant for Concord Township

July 7, 2021 – Concord Township, PA – Today, Senator Kane (D, Delaware and Chester Counties) announced a $141,600 grant for corridor improvements on Concord Road. The grants are part of the Green Light-Go program, provided as reimbursements for municipalities for...

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Senator Kane Statement on Budget Passage

Senator Kane Statement on Budget Passage

June 25, 2021 − Chester, PA − Senator John Kane issued the following statement on the 2021-22 budget: "Today, I voted for the proposed budget for the 2021-22 fiscal year. This budget does some good things -- an additional $300 million for education, increased funding...

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Senator Kane Hosts Telephone Town Hall on Mental Health

Senator Kane Hosts Telephone Town Hall on Mental Health

Chester, PA – May 25, 2021 – Last week, state Senator John Kane (D, Delaware/Chester) hosted a telephone town hall highlighting mental health resources available for community members. Over 1000 residents of Delaware and Chester Counties tuned in for the hour-long...

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